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The Healing Is Project

This series of 15 posters was a collaboration by members of the Thursday night Trauma Support Group sponsored by the Cambridge Women’s Center. Three members offered background artwork for the quotations by volunteers who gave voice to their wisdom gained through their healing from different traumatic events. Two Support Group facilitators and I presented Board President Judy Norris with the series as a gift of gratitude during the Center’s 50th anniversary opening celebration in March. It was a four month project which sustained my creative and social activist parts. It gave me connection to a survivor community sustained only through Zoom during those daunting months of the pandemic. Gratitude to all who contributed funds and time to the project.

The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger
The Healing Is Project, Nan Genger