Fuck Police Brutality: Black Lives Matter


4″ x 12″ x 1¼” stretched canvas

acrylic, fabric strips, transfers on fabric (words “STOP POLICE BRUTALITY” and “FUCK”), mirror, numbered tape, wire, nails

nan genger

Exhibited in Resistance Culture, Mass College of Art and Design, Student Life Gallery, Jan. 30-Feb 10., 2017, Boston, MA. (See photo)

The text was based on street graffiti in Ferguson, Missouri during the community rebellions that followed the acquittal of police officers for the fatal shootings of African Americans in U.S. cities.  First photo was in Cambridge, Massachusetts Porter Square bus station.  October, 2019 another “Fuck the Police” grafitti written on a bus stop side canopy on Hampshire Street, Inman Square. (See product gallery photos.)

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